Episode 189: If Your Mum Is Looking To Read $2 Smut

In this week’s gadget chat Tegan and Amanda continue reviewing gear from their recent overseas adventures.

Tegan tackles the Mojave desert and Canadian Rockies while kitted out in some of Icebreaker’s latest recent range: The RealFleece Merino High Pile Vest, Merino 200 Oasis Long Sleeve Crewe Thermal Top and MerinoLoft Jacket.

We won’t give away her verdict here but she did come away reaffirming that there’s no bad weather when you have good gear.

Meanwhile Amanda rejects Australian telco roaming options and instead used the Airalo eSim app while touring Japan. If you decide to use this and want a cheeky extra $3, Amanda has a referral code: AMANDA0819. Not sponsored, but $3 is $3.

Back in Australia Rad gets a read on the brand new Kobo Elipsa 2E e-reader, which also allows margin doodling. You can guess how this turns out.

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